Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Structure & the Tree

Somehow, I have always found this gift of wry smile very dear to me. Dear Uncle Dick was quintessentially for this blog to wake up from its slumber, wearing a grey suit last worn in 1960s. And, when I start smiling while standing across him in the Delhi metro, he looks at me with an eye that has sympathy (the one for a crackpot weirdo). Behold Delhi Metro! Uncle Dick feels the sudden surge to strangle me with his words of wisdom. Seeing the awkwardness, I point him to the poster behind......”Manipal university- Now in Jaipur”..........nearby all the eccentrics, visionaries, a man reading obituary, another having a blackberry; all look up. One of them from that elite club sheds his inhibitions and asks “so?”.....and I say that “nothing, I was just reminded of a similar poster that read BIG BAZAAR-Now in Bangalore”

Ladies and Gentlemen, facebook-err(s) and suckers, today I plan to get adrift from the world of cronies and ponies, the world made of gravitas, pietas, dignitas and virtus.......”all the children are insane, waiting for the summer rain.....”so rambles Jim Morrison and intermittently interrupted by the buzz of cell phone orchestrated by another of those nagging, dragging, sagging wags....I wonder! So has been the evolutionary outcome that we mask the savage with structure....The manifestation of structure contradicts the very essence of existentiality but still exists as a manifestation all the time.....a projection or a paradox? Or perhaps both?

Listen to Bach.....it flows.....flows and stays....See a Michelangelo....it stays and stays....the quintessential beauty in its two forms or rather one with a form and other with none.But beauty like that belongs to everyone so love like beauty should too and then do I intend to proclaim “everyone belongs to everyone else” courtesy Aldous Huxley, Brave New World? Hell, No! But rather like a point source of light (for my love for optics!!) it should radiate in all directions........like my Boss!! Who does the complete antagonistic process to be hailed as “the Black Body” radiation...

For, in fact, what is man in nature? A Nothing in comparison with the Infinite, an All in comparison with the Nothing, a mean between nothing and everything. Since he is infinitely removed from comprehending the extremes, the end of things and their beginning are hopelessly hidden from him in an impenetrable secret; he is equally incapable of seeing the Nothing from which he was made, and the Infinite in which he is swallowed up.

I saw ‘The Tree Of Life’ last night. Just like Sean Penn, who spends the day in the office remembering about his brothers and family, the most urgent thing I feel I have to do this morning is to write about the movie. I haven't be so much impressed by a story, a song or a a film from a very long time.

It should go without saying, but let me tell you that this is not a film you should see if you just want to stop thinking about your life for a couple of hours. This should be kind of automatic, i know: but it's worth mentioning, as it would be really a pity to see flourishing such comments or opinions like "i was expecting something else" or "it's very slow paced" or "i didn't really understand that part of the story". Go watch this movie if you want (or: if you NEED) to think about yourself and your life and your story and your future MORE than you usually do, not less. Go watch this movie if you want to find a companion voice wondering together with you about what kind of relationship can be found between our personal stories and the story of the universe, between the quickness of a lizard running across a summer cornfield in Texas and the infinite spaces dividing the countless stars of the universe, between the tenderness of the love that you felt for your parents as a child and the plain fact that in order to grow up, to reproduce that love, you had to leave that child and that love behind you. The voice will help you to realize that the missing links are actually there, in front of your eyes; that in order to see them, your eyes must be open; and that regaining the innocence that seemed lost forever is the key, and the result, of understanding and accepting the presence of those links, opening your eyes.