Thursday, July 26, 2012

                                      Darkness- the permanent trick

      The daylight increases rapidly. Not a window opened, not a door stood ajar; it is the dawn but not the awaking. Not a living be­ing in the cross-roads, which gleamed white in the light of the sun. Nothing is so mournful as this light in deserted streets. Nothing was to be seen, but there was something to be heard.

   Darkness is not a mere absence of light. It is the surrender of light. You were brought up with the notion of good always defeating evil and you never doubted as everything around was given the manifestation based on this ideology. From the decrepit of Dostoevskian world to the magnificence of myths, everything was given the same flavor. And you casually forgot that it is the dark shadow that stays with you in the day and it is that very dark shadow that transforms into the color of night. Why? Why are you so obsessed with light and good? Is it because if the obsession is taken away, it shall reveal the paradox?
I was born in the rut of darkness and I grew up to embrace it. Not the victim of dark but its carrier. It has been entrusted with me. I am the Satan who has lived timelessly while Gods were put on cross. And I smiled, mocking at your defiance to protect an idea which is pseudo like your very being. If your shadow is not real, why can’t you get rid of it? Why you run to light to get rid of it and then again it creeps up on you. Who wins? Light??

     I am often pointed out adjectives by commoners around me and its been centuries I have sat in their minds and ruled their actions. I made them self indulgent fools awaiting a house of paradise while I went and destroyed the garden and the house that prided in being hailed as the paradise. It is not my vanity that calls them commoners but their inferiority that exudes from them from the very second they wake up in the morning. I have heard them smile and say to themselves when they wake up every morning- “I am awesome, I have a great life, what a beautiful day, blaah blaah”. And there I am in their head as a doubt-“Is it? Do you really have a wonderful life? Why are you assuring yourself then?”.  I rule their aura, their vibes and they cast me aside with the self manufactured anecdotes on goodness. Now, who is being arrogant?

     I am your disorder, your legs cut into two, your hands cut and tied to your eyes, your mind torn apart in gutters and rose garden. Worthless is your life, if the struggle to show me wrong is taken away from you. You hold hands with your so called lovers, you walk between your parents and revel in the artifice of light while I walk right behind you. I allow for your indulgence and you take it granted to be rude.

      Do you understand the paradigm of darkness? You don’t because it has no paradigm. Structures are your consolations to yourself while darkness is the chaos you run from. Have you ever stayed in a dark room with your eyes closed? Gentlemen, that is the real infinite and eternal. Your light shows you the opulence and destitution of the world, the magnificence and the misery, the music and the cries while darkness shows you nothing. Just lets you be in its arms. But you run and ridicule this immaculate truth and then you cry of your doom all the time. You try to find faults in me to hold yourself at a higher pedestal. And I laugh at your misery of not being able to come out of an incessant wheel in which you travel up and down but always remain at the same point.

From his brimstone bed at break of day
A walking the DEVIL is gone,
To visit his little snug farm of the earth
And see how his stock went on.
As he went through Cold-Bath Fields he saw
A solitary cell;
And the Devil was pleased, for it gave him a hint
For improving his prisons in Hell.

                                                                    - Samuel Taylor Coleridge