Thursday, May 1, 2014

The woman, the homeless and the grave

File:Christ of Saint John of the Cross.jpg

A woman I met sitting by the waves
Pale blue eyes, magnetic smile hiding tears
Asked me to write few lines for her
On her unrequited love, unbearable betrayal
And then, I searched endlessly for that thought
One that got lost in the sea of agony

A homeless I met stranded in desert
Fog around his eyes, remains of tears
Asked me to write few lines for him
On his broken legs, unnoticed plea for a dollar
And then, I searched endlessly for that thought
One that got lost in the sands of destiny

A lonesome grave I met in heavy rain
No flowers or name, not a cry for it's pain
Asked me to write few lines for it
On it's singular existence,unknown burial
And then I searched endlessly for that thought
One that got lost in the flood of anonymity

A mirror I met that reflected shadows
The woman, the homeless, the grave and the others
Asked me to write few lines for it
On my several lives, multitudinous faces
And then I searched endlessly for that thought
One that got lost in the paradoxes of infinity

(Painting-Christ of Saint John of Cross by Salvador Dali)