Thursday, June 5, 2014

New Ways to the Same Crossroad

That time when you met and left
Not a footstep, not a thought
Expanding vacuum in the depths of mind

I see from the hollowness of my eyes
A white light floating over in a spiral
Lost it after a flash, as if a peaceful lure of chaos

Like a rolling wheel I have traveled
Always at the same point-between past and future
But an event in this circle didn't repeat
When all my darkness collided with your white light
A second later, an eternity after
I was searching for it in the dark room of my heart's corner

On days it feels I am moving forward
Yet all they are but new ways to the same crossroad
Where you met and where you left, both are the same corner
None of your light now, just shadows replete with your moments
A different one walks by my side everyday
As if you live with me and yet never will I hold you anymore

(Paininting- Shadow of a Man in Paris by Warren Keating)