Saturday, August 9, 2014

far, near

There were smiles, there were tears
In all that were, there were also fears
Coupled with few insights that were not clear
Life's misgivings or dichotomy eternal?
For I walked on two roads-one far, one near

Revolving in circles that spawned centuries
Creating time and thoughts with each step
That vanished in thin air with the next
Hunting for soul or searching for pleasure?
For I was there everywhere-sometimes far, sometimes near

A day I happened to stare into Christ's eyes
A century ago had seen those before
Perhaps the eyes of Buddha in shadows of years
Man's affair or cosmic prayer?
For vague are these memories-several far, several near

In all possibilities there were certain dualities
Creating amalgamation of illusion and real
But then there have been prose written and songs made
Pure creation or random evolution?
As if all truths are just trickery- neither far, nor near

(painting-Harlequin's Death by Pablo Picasso)