Monday, July 12, 2010

the murder of Mr. English...

Once upon a time,there was a certain Mr. English and he was escorted to the land of Lalu by a certain East India Company in three piece suit and hat with vision of Guest's paradise and thoughts of personal growth.Decades passed and he faced calamity after catastrophe after crucifixion and now he is reduced to tattered, minimal clothes.

YES, Indian wannabes and cool-ers(or errs?) have developed their own idiosyncratic version of English and with no grammar police and no Mr. sentence correction,we have reduced English to.....

"but exactly yaad nahin raha"

"its time to think HATKE"

"chill maar yaar"

"aur bata,wassup with you"

"stud,hai yaar"

And according to Professor David Crystal, it might not be long before this becomes the Queen’s new English. He says that there are more than 350 million Indians who widely use Hinglish in their daily lives as a common mode of communication. This number is far beyond the total number of people speaking in English, both in the United States and the United Kingdom.

So the face-book-ers(or errs?) and orkut-ers,have developed their own "eaasy-peezy,lemon-squeezy" avatar of the language and william and william are in deep distress,popping up pills at night.What led to the emergence of this concept? Firstly, Indians are known to be the brainiest in the world. There are people who might debate on this statement…but it is a fact! Indians are found in every part of the world. And so, with Indians come the Indian language which obviously is mixed with the local language. This local language in most cases turns out to be English.
Secondly, connecting with the world has its own perks! The Indian culture is slowly and steadily gaining popularity outside the subcontinent. These mainly include Bollywood movies which have been found to be quite amusing, thanks to its song and dance sequences. These movies are a good source of Hinglish.
Thirdly, with the advent of globalization, Internet was introduced to Indians. With Internet came online social networking in the form of Orkut scraps, emails, chats which introduced us all to another form of Hinglish. This included using English script as a medium to communicate in Hindi. A few years back, this trend might have seemed to be very weird and probably quite difficult to comprehend to what is being communicated. This is the most common form of Hinglish used by one and all. This is to such an extent that there are some who find it quite a task to actually read in Hindi. And so, it is not very hard to believe that Hinglish would soon spread through the Internet.
In India, English has had and still enjoys a status in itself. This is due to the Colonial history that the country has.

And we need some chauvinists and critics to cut the "crap".The rising popularity of this metamorphosed and genetically damaged Mr. English can put a permanent veil on our own languages.

So let english be english and let us take pride in the fact that Rabindranath tagore won nobel by writing in Bengali.We actually don't need this desperate "sms-chat" mess up of the universal language.

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