Sunday, July 4, 2010

some light on Twilight...

Make no mistake....been touted as the next herculean success after Harry Potter,Twilight series surely is something to look out.BUT....wait a second!vampires....fine! whirlwind romance with the beautiful, perfect vampire Edward...fine! who apparently has teeth that make Donny Osmond look like Mr. Tooth Decay....fine!countless, breathless descriptions of Edward’s teeth...fine! adjectives like a bartender who forgot to put the regulator on the vodka come one!give me a break.Few chapters into the first book and devoid of girlish hormones that cringe and crave for a romantic morality tale,you like me too will be bamboozled by the fact that this is the book that Potter is competing with.
Popularity is not an honest reflection of quality and Twilight proves just the hindsight its just a potpourri fable with ingredients like vampire and submissive characters and relationships.Meyer’s Mormon upbringing certainly comes through in the book, as Bella and Edward’s wild, passionate romance entails all but a few brief lip brushes, kisses that make Bella either faint or lose control of her senses....and you just thought indian movies are stupid!!! has been called as 'erotics of abstinence'........ There’s a scene midway through Twilight in which, for the first time, Edward leans in close and sniffs the aroma of Bella’s exposed neck. “Just because I’m resisting the wine doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the bouquet,” he says. “You have a very floral smell, like lavender … or freesia.” .....if you are a guy,never try this line on a girl because you will enchance your single-hood and please,if you are a girl,what will you do if some guy comes up with this line....laugh on his face??
Bella was supposedly to be presented as a tough minded and independent girl but....Her absolute dependence on Edward to even breathe – she can barely exist when she’s out of his sight line – is both worrisome and disturbing. Her every thought is about him. Her every movement is dictated by her obsession with him. She throws herself at him to the extent that she is willing to be turned into a vampire just to spend eternity with him. Edward plays on all Bella’s emotions like a man who gets off on adoration. He follows her, he appears in her room at night, he listens in, telepathically, on her friends’ conversations. He is there in every dangerous situation brought on by Bella’s clumsiness to rescue her and make her feel like she just could not make it another day alive without his knighthood. I don’t know about you, but over here we call that stalking. Yet Bella seems unperturbed by Edward’s hovering and unflinchingly goes headlong into a dangerous, life threatening, almost one sided romance with him.
To be really honest,even when Edward does fall in love with Bella,it looks more like an emotion crying in despair out of inquisivity and surprise.Bella sees Edward as a typical teenage girl sees a rock star or movie star; she swoons, she idolizes, she fantasizes. Edward knows this and nearly teases her with it. Yet Bella never sees this. Rather, Meyer never gives Bella the awareness needed to see the relationship for what it is.
For me twilight is more of a svlvan prose and idyllic poetry....sung by a person devoid of Edward's charismatic powers and heroic antics and...yeah,yeah...teeth!!Gosh...there are way better love stories out ther.Give yourself a chance...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. @brat...thanx for quoting the unquoted....actually even the 'teeth' supports your adjective....

  3. @damon...thanx for the support.its actually high time,people realise that popularity doesn't guarantee quality....cheers!

  4. true.. just because farting is so much fun, lets not get carried away and actually agree with these fart faces..:D

    -Sandeep Karmaker

  5. Hey just chanced on ur blog n this post compelled me to give my opinion..
    Well, I partially agree with ur review..Its true that the luv stry is nt balanced n the stuff abt stalking etc.. bt heyy! wat do u expect in a human-vampire fantasy luv stry?? U really don't need to pin point every logic in the buk cos all the people who r reading it know that it's nt true..thats why its called a FANTASY!
    n when u talk abt quality..then I will say that the buk is written mainly for the teen girls, or nyone having a non-logical imagination for that matter...n read the entire series then give ur views..cos as Meyer proceeds aftr the 2nd buk, she gets better..but still its definitly nt for those who just want to find a scientific bend in evrythng..

  6. @sarika....your point well taken.i guess few days of life should be invested in things devoid of logic and submitted to exploitation of hormonal vortices inside a teenager....quite fair!
