Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Waiting Room....

A waiting room.…….full of passengers. Many passengers in there but there was no form visible. Yes, I vouch for that because I saw it clearly or rather not saw anything in there. No form at all…..absolutely sure about this. Gentlemen, let me introduce myself. I am eyes. I see but not think. I am free from that….that thing you call thinking. Place me in front of a mirror and you shall see nothing but I know I am eyes. I know it because I observe but I do not act.

Actually, I have not told you the truth. I am not eyes. I am actually free from all ‘I-amness’ but have to use ‘I’ to talk to you. You can choose not to hear me but I don’t think you will. It is your choiceless state that will make you hear me. No, I do not speak but in my presence you hear me. Just at this moment, a passenger was summoned and had to walk out of the waiting room. Please pay attention when I say ‘walk’. There is an issue here. I say ‘walk’ because the moment the passenger stepped out of the room, he had a form. So I extrapolate to say that he walked out of the room. You wonder who this passenger is… well, it is YOU.

Remember, the time you were born? Oh, you cannot but I talk about you when you were just born and a moment preceding it, when you were in the waiting room. Try to get this, you are the absurd surrealism that I see and I am the reality you do not. You are the reality that you see but that disables you to see me. So our realities differ because of the relativity of the observer. Allow me to indulge my fancy. You see, gentlemen, reason is an excellent thing, there’s no disputing that, but reason is nothing but reason and satisfies only the rational side of man’s nature, while I happen to be beyond reason and perception. You do not comprehend my manifestation because there is none. But can you overcome the dualism by reducing the existent into manifestations? No….you shall create a new dualism, that of finite and infinite. This new opposition, the "finite and the infinite," or better, "the infinite in the finite," replaces the dualism of being and appearance. What appears in fact is only an aspect of the object, and the object is altogether in that aspect and altogether outside of it.

Gentlemen, I am devoid of an ego and you are possessed and punished by it. I have no ego as I have no form and ego which is like a shadow of the body, therefore cannot exist. You see I didn’t kill it….it never existed. When you kill something, you imply its existence. You try to kill ego and can never do it as it is your shadow that follows you endlessly. I saw you……you renounced to be rid of it and ego manifested through your renunciation. You were trapped…..and the expansion of your ego was the easier path. Your nature is to avoid steep, long paths and so you made countries but ego didn’t leave you. Then cities and then cars and then computers, you tried shrinking but ego expanded. Now, I see you in despair. Well, gentlemen, do not label me a tyrant by arguing that why I didn’t save you……remember? I am eyes and I only see, not react or judge.

Now, you worry….worry about your ends and origins and not understand that you move in never ending circles. Leaving the Waiting Room to get back to the waiting room and then leaving again and you go on doing this. In the waiting room, you are nothing, no ‘I’ in you just like me but outside the waiting room, you exist in I-amness.

I hope you remember me…I am the eyes that have always watched you; whether you were in silence or chaos.

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