Sunday, January 26, 2014

Finding the face of familiarity

This day today

The one that's like yesterday
Reminds me of that little joy
Of watching the endless green fields
From the window of that train
That time of ageless innocence
When puddles in the rain
Was all and enough
For the paper boat to sail

This monument today

The one like the debris of yesterday
Two hidden stories of a century
One not quite told, another incomplete
Nights of rain, days of thunder
And the finest stones, rarest words
Yet they failed to say
The beauty of a hundred years
For the clear sky above gave it away

This woman today

The one like I had met yesterday
Both of the dark, moist eyes
That peeled every warmth of winter
Yet not finding within the joys of summer
Could have drawn you in my paintings
If you had absorbed the white's reflection
And we could have left the grey altogether
Like a lonely thought in the tiresome desert

This poem today

The one that has lines like yours
A bit lost when stumbling on a noisy street
In peace when looking from the room's window
Though I may not find all the verses today
Let me just give you some metaphors
So that when today is a bygone
Will fill the missing lines in the morning
From our dreams
Some from yours and rest from mine

(Painting- Not to be Reproduced by Rene Magritte)

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