Thursday, January 9, 2014

Far and wide, I longed for green

Claude Monet Impression Sunrise

Abyss, cold mountains
Wilderness, scorching deserts
Far and wide, I longed for green
On the way, wrote a poem or two

A boy I met, he smiled often
Another one, he cried the  other's share
Together we played till the breeze lasted
Then came the rain, and the two kites sank

Shook hands with a man named Peace
Laughed with a woman named Happiness
Searched in her persuasive dark eyes
That moment, when evening sun melts in moon

At sea, picked up a solitary white feather
In each other, we found a friend lost
Walked, relived those days we used to fly
Then that wave, and feather said goodbye

Traveling, lot of years went by
Outside my window, found the green under a white sky
Had finally found, could now lie down and spend the rest
Movement had all been the life, thought I

Smiling, I set out again, in search of the magenta sky

(Painting- Impression, Sunrise by Claude Monet in 1872 depicting Le Havre in France)

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