Friday, December 27, 2013

Many times I ask You...

My dear Soul
Many times I ask you- who are you, indeed?

Yesterday’s dream was of serenity and calmness
Today’s reality was of commotion and wilderness, you know
Yet even though when I was lost, you were still steady
That moment today when I tripped on the busy street
Was it because you had to stay and gaze the orange sky?

My dear Krishna
Many times I ask you- where are you, indeed?

Some children are dying of hunger, you know
Some men are still fighting over strips after a century
Yet you say you believe in humanity and not in its penury
That moment today when I saw the homeless man dying
Was it you who said that Karma is always in perpetuity?

My dear Music
Many times I ask you- how do you do it, indeed?

Cars shouted, trains whistled and that carcass from the street
Someone even fired a gun somewhere, you know
Yet you somehow found your way into my dull room
That moment today when I simply sat and watched the trees
Was it you who said that silence is my true beauty?

My dear Poem
Many times I ask you- why do you do it, indeed?

You felt what I feel, saw what I see, dreamed what I dream
Somehow, you even found an obscure rhythm, you know
Yet you remained in anonymity and perplexity
That moment today when I wrote you meaninglessly
Was it you who said that to mean is to simply be?

(Image- Boy with Pipe by Pablo Picasso)

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